
We are in a month of celebrations – this past week Asher Russell was called to Torah on the occasion of his Bar Mitzvah and this coming Shabbat, Milo Mateer will be called to Torah as Bat Mitzvah. Not only do our young people lead us in prayer, and read from Torah, they give us a thoughtful, d’var, words of Torah. Come and join us – and think about what learning you would like to do over these coming months.

We had three long tables of members and friends joining us for our once/monthly Shabbat potluck dinner. A fun way to get to know each other and share delicious food. Our December dinner will be December 27th, when we also will be celebrating Hannukah. Mark your calendars!

Wishing you all well as the days seem long and dark. We need to find many ways to bring light into our homes and communities. What are some of your ideas about how we can bring light and hope from Kolot Mayim into our larger community and at the same time bring that light home, into Kolot Mayim?

With love,
Rabbi Lynn