2024-25 Lecture Series

Kvell at the Well: Celebrating the Joys of Being Jewish Starts on Nov. 3, 2024

Building Bridges is Kolot Mayim Reform Temple’s annual 6-part series of free Zoom lectures offered on scheduled Sunday mornings at 11 AM from November to April. Last year, we welcomed over 600 unique participants locally, nationally and internationally. 

Our theme for Building Bridges 24/25 is Kvell at the Well: Celebrating the Joys of Being Jewish. Within the context of the dramatic increase in antisemitism that we have witnessed since the events of October 7th, we believe that it is more important than ever to highlight our proud and strong Jewish culture, history and heritage. The series will provide a unique forum to explore themes of Jewish identity, faith, tradition, and community  as well as highlight our resilience, survival and hopes for the future.

The “Well” is a powerful Jewish symbol in the Torah. It is the source of life giving waters, a community meeting place, a landmark, and a site for divine revelation. Our goal is to inspire and empower Jews to draw from the well of our collective experience and proudly celebrate (kvell about) our shared identity as a people. The series will feature trailblazing Jewish leaders from Canada, the US and Great Britain.


Nov. 3, 2024 Rabbi Liz P.G. Hirsch For This Moment: Stepping Up to Lead: Our first speaker will be Rabbi Liz P.G. Hirsch, CEO of Women of Reform Judaism. She will speak on  For This Moment: Stepping Up to Lead. This talk promises to be a thought-provoking exploration of leadership through the lens of Jewish values.  Rabbi Liz P.G. Hirsch is a trailblazer in the Jewish community. She is a passionate advocate for women’s leadership and empowerment, both within the Jewish community and in the wider world. She brings a wealth of experience and insight into the conversation about the role of women in leadership. Rabbi Hirsch is a prolific writer and social justice advocate. She hosts the popular weekly podcast, Just For This Moment, where she invites women leaders from various sectors to discuss their journeys, challenges, and triumphs, creating a vital platform for exploring the complexities and rewards of women’s leadership in today’s world. Register here.


Dec. 8, 2024 Rabbi Elyse Goldstein  Open Doors, Open Hearts: How Women Have Enriched Judaism and Changed the World: As one of Canada’s first female rabbis and founding Rabbi of City Shul in Toronto, Rabbi Elyse Goldstein has broken many barriers, gaining recognition as a dynamic speaker, teacher, and social justice advocate. Drawing from her pioneering journey, Rabbi Goldstein will discuss how women’s leadership, scholarship, and inclusivity have reshaped Judaism and the role iof women within the Jewish community. An award-winning educator and prolific writer, her contributions to Jewish education and activism are widely recognized. Rabbi Goldstein’s presentation will reflect on her experiences and share her understanding of how women have opened doors for a richer and brighter future for our world. Register here


Jan. 12, 2025 Ben M. Freeman The Jews: An Indigenous People: Ben M. Freeman will introduce his groundbreaking new book on the Jewish connection to the Land of Israel. He will explore 3,000 years of Jewish history, examining the origins of Jewish expression and its enduring impact on modern times. Freeman expertly navigates anthropology and archaeology while analyzing globally recognized criteria for indigeneity. Brace yourself, as this book boldly reclaims the Jewish narrative, affirming without doubt that Jews are unequivocally indigenous to Israel. Founder of the modern Jewish Pride movement, he is also the author of “Jewish Pride: Rebuilding a People” and “Reclaiming Our Story: The Pursuit of Jewish Pride.” His new book, “The Jews: An Indigenous People,” will be released in February 2025, completing his Jewish Pride trilogy. Freeman’s work on Jewish identity and combating Jew-hatred has earned him recognition as a Diplomat for the World Jewish Congress and a Research Fellow for the Institute for the Study of Global Antisemitism Policy. He was voted number 8 on the inaugural 25 Young ViZionaries list. Register here.


Feb 2, 2025 Rabbi Dan Moskovitz The Role and Voice of Liberal Judaism in Canada Post- October 7: After the devastating events  of October 7, attacks on Zionists and Jews reached levels not experienced by most Canadian Jews in their lifetime. Rabbi Dan Moskovitz will reflect on how our synagogues, organizations and educational institutions responded to this newest expression of what many call “the longest hatred”. He will share his thoughts and vision for what liberal Jews and institutions need to do as we support adults, teens and children in this new-old reality of being a Jew in North America.  Rabbi Moskovitz is the Senior Rabbi of Temple Sholom in Vancouver BC and a frequent commentator on Jewish issues for local and national media, He was the founding co-chair of the Antisemitism and Israel Crisis Response Team of the Jewish Federation of Greater Vancouver and is the co-chair of the BBYO Vancouver Adult Advisory Board. His rabbinate has been shaped by his focus on fostering relational communities, his lifelong commitment to Jewish Education, and his work with Jews by Choice. His approach to Torah and Judaism is imbued with a passion for inclusion and community collaboration. Register here.


March 2, 2025 Jonathan Bergwerk Audacious Jewish Lives: Jewish Innovators Who Changed the World:Jonathan Bergwerk will explore the remarkable contributions of Jewish innovators throughout history in his presentation “Audacious Jewish Lives: Jewish Innovators Who Changed the World.” He will examine what drives Jews to challenge the status quo and make groundbreaking advancements, noting that over 20% of Nobel Prize winners are Jewish. As an occupational psychologist and author of the “Audacious Jewish Lives” book series, Bergwerk will examine the lives and psychology of influential Jews, from Moses to Einstein, Marx and Freud. His talk will highlight their significant impacts on Jewish life and the wider world, offering insights into the motivations behind their groundbreaking achievements. Register here.


April 6, 2025 Mordechai Pinchas Torah Tales: Adventures in Scribal Art: Mordechai Pinchas is a respected Sofer STa”M (Jewish scribe who creates and repairs Sifrei Kodesh (holy scrolls), tefillin (phylacteries), and mezuzot). Mordechai will share captivating and often humorous stories from his scribal adventures, offering a rare glimpse into the work of a modern Jewish Sofer. He will explore the unique materials, meticulous methods, and halakha (articles of Jewish law) involved in creating and repairing sacred Torah scrolls, tefillin, and mezuzot. Mordechai has written extensively on sofrut, the Bible and Art as well as published research on “Sefer Tagin: Fragments from the Cairo Genizah”. He also designed the MRJ Siddur and wrote the children’s book, “The Dot on the Ot”. Currently pursuing a PhD at Cambridge, Mordechai is also known by his English name, Marc Michaels in his academic career, and his work in freelance marketing and graphic design. Join us to discover the intricate world of Jewish scribal arts and the experiences of a contemporary sofer. Register here.