
Rabbi’s Message

rabbi lynn

To our members and not-yet members.

Kolot Mayim provides a special home for Jews and their family members – and not just people in Victoria. Very simply, whatever our backgrounds, we all need a home. We gather together, weekly as many of you know, in a reconfigured Deli, the tables covered for services with tablecloths, Chumashim (printed Jewish Bibles) and Siddurim (prayerbooks), as needed.

We sing, we talk, we often laugh and sometimes we weep, together. We try to build joy into our Judaism.

We are aware of your wish to be connected to us and we are more than happy to share our weekly newsletter with you. You are welcome to join us over Zoom, even as that electronic connection, of course, is not providing what being in person can provide.

Here is my question for you. How can we best support you? What are you looking for? How can we, at Kolot Mayim, make you feel more comfortable in your Judaism, connected with other Jews? Are you feeling “Not yet”?

There is a lovely story about the late 19th, early 20th century scholar Franz Rosenzweig: Rosenzweig’s approach was subjective also in connection with the mitzvot, Jewish observances. He did think that he would one day become a fully observant Jew, but believed in the gradual approach in which the observances slowly made their impact by “ringing a bell” for him. Typical of this approach is Rosenzweig’s answer to someone who asked him whether he wore tefillin [phylacteries]: “Not yet,” he replied.” https://www.myjewishlearning.com/article/franz-rosenzweig-and-the-founding-of-the-lehrhaus/

I cannot tell you how important it has been to have the presence of a rabbi living here in Victoria (I take a very minimal salary, my choice). Every day is different, every day I am called upon to respond. Someone’s mother is dying, someone wants to make arrangements for a Bar Mitzvah, congregants in hospital and care homes need a visit, a mother needs to talk about her family, someone is interested in conversion…

Please let us know, as you are able, if you can help support our work. I am often on call with unaffiliated Jews for life-cycle events – baby namings, Brit Milah, Bar and Bat Mitzvah, weddings and funerals. I answer calls as best I can. And we would love to see our Membership grow. Our webpage https://kolotmayimreformtemple.com/  provides further information about us, our services, and how donations can be forwarded.

Can you help us provide a much-needed Jewish voice for our small but growing community?

Sincerely, and with great gratitude,
Rabbi Lynn Greenhough

Board of Directors: 2024-25

Members are always welcome to communicate with Board members. You can send an email to km@kolotmayimreformtemple.com. Please indicate the Board member or members to whom your email should be directed. In accordance with the Kolot Mayim privacy policy, your email will only be forwarded to those Board members you identify.

PRESIDENT: Jessica Havens


SECRETARY: Judith Belton

TREASURER: Stephen Larre

PAST PRESIDENT: Sharon Shalinsky



  • Gilda Good

  • Susan Halpert

  • Ariel Louwrier


Education Committee: Marilyn Wolovick, Chair

Religious Services Committee: Morris Bleviss, Chair


Please contact us if you have any questions or concerns.