Life Cycle Events

Newborn Baby
Newborn baby with parents hands holding

Jewish Life Events

Like all Jewish communities, our lives are touched by the sacred rites that mark the passage of time. At Kolot Mayim with joy we celebrate the milestones of life, and with sorrow we mark the loss of loved ones. Our intimate congregation comes together whether there is simcha or tsuris.
  • Brit Milah – Circumcision Ceremony for a Boy
  • Simchat Bat – Baby naming and welcoming a girl into the community
  • Bar Mitzvah – Called to the Torah as an adult son in the community
  • Bat Mitzvah – Called to the Torah as an adult daughter in the community
  • Marriages – Chupah ceremony and signing of the Ketuba
  • Funerals – Honoring the life of our loved ones and saying goodbye


Young boy with a sidur preparing for his bar mitzvah
Young boy with a sidur preparing for his bar mitzvah

B’nai Mitzvah

Kolot Mayim welcomes girls and boys into Jewish adulthood at age thirteen with a bat or bar mitzvah ceremony. Rabbi Lynn Greenhough, of Kolot Mayim Reform Temple adapts the bar or bat mitzvah to fit the expectations and wishes of both the child and their family. “I love Kolot Mayim because my son had the best Bar Mitzvah ever, and even though we are a family of very diverse interests and beliefs, we fit!” Leah Kinarthy

It’s never too late to have a bar or bat mitzvah. Whether you are eighteen or eighty, it can be one of the most fulfilling experiences of your adult life. For more information on adult bar/bat mitzvah classes or individual requests please contact


Jewish Bride and Groom on the beach
Jewish Bride and Groom on the beach


Weddings are the beginning of a new life together. The Jewish betrothal ceremony is conducted under the Chuppah and the Ketuba known as the marriage contract establishes a partnership that is based on mutual respect. Kolot Mayim’s Rabbi Lynn Greenhough is certified to conduct marriage ceremonies, including marriages for interfaith and same sex couples.  Contact Kolot Mayim for information.





hand placing stones on a headstone
hand placing stones on a headstone

End of Life

The Kolot Mayim Reform Congregation is here to support your family during these difficult and sensitive times. Jewish traditions surrounding death can be extremely meaningful. If you are unfamiliar with the traditions, we can help you with information about the funeral, mourning traditions, shiva, unveilings and yahrzeits.

Rabbi Lynn Greenhough has conducted funerals for many years, and can discuss the arrangements with you, from calling the Chevra Kadisha – Jewish Burial Society, to helping you plan the funeral, shiva, and sheloshim rituals – first 30 days of mourning.

Together with the family, Rabbi Lynn Greenhough can help you create a respectful service that honors the memory of your loved one. There are currently two options for Jewish burial in Victoria; the Jewish section at Hatley Memorial Gardens Cemetery and Victoria Jewish Cemetery. Rabbi Lynn Greenhough can also discuss pre-arrangements options for you or your loved ones. 

Our rabbi is available to guide and support you during times of illness, while managing end of life care, and during the grief and bereavement process. Please contact us so we can arrange for a home or hospital visit.