Care and Concern Committee
The Kolot Mayim Care and Concern Committee’s mandate is to reach out to members of the congregation and the greater Jewish community who are in need of support.
We are here to offer assistance to those who are experiencing challenges in their lives, from minor setbacks to crises. We offer a wide range of assistance to match individual needs and circumstances: a phone call, delivery of a meal or holiday basket, a home or hospital visit, grief and bereavement support, a ride to appointments, services, holiday celebrations, or to visit a loved one.
We are also here to kvell – feeling happy and proud with you on the occasion or your simchas – celebrations: the birth of a child or grandchild, B’nai mitzvah, a graduation or promotion, engagement, wedding, or just checking in to share a feeling of community.
We are all vulnerable at some point in our lives; Jewish community and continuity ensures that we don’t need to go through life’s challenges alone. If you, a loved one, or someone you know in the community is in need of anything from companionship, to a compassionate listener, or concrete help send an email to km@kolotmayimreformtemple.com or phone the Kolot Mayim number 250-704-2503 and a member of the care and concern committee will be in touch.
Our shul community is here to support you during times of illness. Contact us if you or a family member is ill or if you would like a visit at home or at the hospital. Rabbi Lynn Greenhough and members of the Care and Concern Committee are here to support families after surgeries or during periods of prolonged illness.
“May your loved one be granted a refuah sheleimah, a complete recovery.”