Sari Shernofsky to speak on “Stories from the Narrow Bridge: Meeting People in their Time of Need” on January 8, 2023
“All the world is just a narrow bridge and the main thing is to have no fear at all.” For Sari Shernofsky, these words of Rev Nachman of Breslov were a call to pursue training as a multi-faith hospital chaplain. For fifteen years, Sari worked in hospital and hospice setting where she offered compassionate care to those in need. Sari also served as the Calgary Jewish community chaplain where, in addition to visiting individuals, she helped set up support groups and various training workshops for synagogues that wanted to become involved in community care. For Sari, to care for others in their time of need—whether it be illness, end of life care or simply to connect with those who are isolated or alone — is not a choice but an obligation she sees as a profound Jewish value.
Please follow this link to register.
“All the world is just a narrow bridge and the main thing is to have no fear at all.” For Sari Shernofsky, these words of Rev Nachman of Breslov were a call to pursue training as a multi-faith hospital chaplain. For fifteen years, Sari worked in hospital and hospice setting where she offered compassionate care to those in need. Sari also served as the Calgary Jewish community chaplain where, in addition to visiting individuals, she helped set up support groups and various training workshops for synagogues that wanted to become involved in community care. For Sari, to care for others in their time of need—whether it be illness, end of life care or simply to connect with those who are isolated or alone — is not a choice but an obligation she sees as a profound Jewish value.
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