Kolot Mayim Reform Temple is pleased to welcome Rabbi Gila Caine, the spiritual leader of Temple Beth Ora in Edmonton to speak on the topic of Toratah/Her Torah: Women Rabbis revealing the Goddess in Torah. The lecture will be held on November 7, 2021 PST at 11 AM on Zoom. This event is part of a 6-part series of talks on the theme of Building Bridges: Celebrating Diversity in Jewish Life. The community is invited to listen and learn from Indigenous, Black, Asian, feminist and differently gendered and differently abled advocates who work tirelessly to make our world a better place.
Rabbi Gila Caine, will explore how throughout the millennia, rabbinic tradition, and especially written tradition, was written from within a man-focused and experienced perspective. Documented Torah reading was mostly seen through the eyes and bodies of men. Now, after around half a century of ordaining women, we have amassed a growing corpus of documented writing flowing from within woman’s experiences and interpretations of Torah and life. In this talk, Rabbi Caine will read a few Torah commentaries written by (women) rabbis from North America and Israel, as examples of weaving together rabbinic and women’s experience into something new.
Born and raised in Jerusalem Rabbi Caine graduated the Hebrew University with an M.A in Contemporary Judaism and received her rabbinic ordination at the HUC-JIR’s Israeli program in 2011. Her rabbinic thesis explored liturgical, spiritual, and ceremonial aspects of birth in Jewish tradition and contemporary practice. Stemming from that, as well as her years as a volunteer at the Rape crisis center, Rabbi Caine is one of the founders of the Israeli rabbinic women’s group “B’not Dinah” – creating a female and feminist rabbinic tradition of healing after Sexual trauma. She now serves as rabbi at Temple Beth Ora congregation in Edmonton, where is lives with her husband and children. This speaker is co-sponsored with Temple Beth Ora.
Kolot Mayim hopes that these speakers will inspire, challenge, and motivate us to stand against racism, discrimination, and exclusion. Kolot Mayim’s Rabbi Lynn Greenhough describes the series as “an opportunity to build bridges – bridges that enable us to link to what is and what can be, to step beyond our own particular experiences.” She explains, “The Hebrew word for bridge is Gesher – a word we sing with the following lyrics -the whole world is a very narrow bridge; the important thing is not to be afraid.”
Kolot Mayim has been active for 20 years and this is the fourth year offering this speaker series. Talks are free and held on scheduled Sundays from 11 AM -12:15 PM PST. Last year we welcomed over 400 participants from across the country and in some cases around the world. More information and registration may be found at the Kolot Mayim website at https://kolotmayimreformtemple.com/
Please use this link to register: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZEpf-CrrTssHNP1mUFNfuYIs5L9CEC6630z
Rabbi Gila Caine, will explore how throughout the millennia, rabbinic tradition, and especially written tradition, was written from within a man-focused and experienced perspective. Documented Torah reading was mostly seen through the eyes and bodies of men. Now, after around half a century of ordaining women, we have amassed a growing corpus of documented writing flowing from within woman’s experiences and interpretations of Torah and life. In this talk, Rabbi Caine will read a few Torah commentaries written by (women) rabbis from North America and Israel, as examples of weaving together rabbinic and women’s experience into something new.
Born and raised in Jerusalem Rabbi Caine graduated the Hebrew University with an M.A in Contemporary Judaism and received her rabbinic ordination at the HUC-JIR’s Israeli program in 2011. Her rabbinic thesis explored liturgical, spiritual, and ceremonial aspects of birth in Jewish tradition and contemporary practice. Stemming from that, as well as her years as a volunteer at the Rape crisis center, Rabbi Caine is one of the founders of the Israeli rabbinic women’s group “B’not Dinah” – creating a female and feminist rabbinic tradition of healing after Sexual trauma. She now serves as rabbi at Temple Beth Ora congregation in Edmonton, where is lives with her husband and children. This speaker is co-sponsored with Temple Beth Ora.
Kolot Mayim hopes that these speakers will inspire, challenge, and motivate us to stand against racism, discrimination, and exclusion. Kolot Mayim’s Rabbi Lynn Greenhough describes the series as “an opportunity to build bridges – bridges that enable us to link to what is and what can be, to step beyond our own particular experiences.” She explains, “The Hebrew word for bridge is Gesher – a word we sing with the following lyrics -the whole world is a very narrow bridge; the important thing is not to be afraid.”
Kolot Mayim has been active for 20 years and this is the fourth year offering this speaker series. Talks are free and held on scheduled Sundays from 11 AM -12:15 PM PST. Last year we welcomed over 400 participants from across the country and in some cases around the world. More information and registration may be found at the Kolot Mayim website at https://kolotmayimreformtemple.com/