Kolot Mayim Reform Temple is pleased to welcome internationally acclaimed singer, songwriter,teacher, music producer and cantorial soloist Len Udow to speak on “Worship with Joy” on May 2,2021, at 11 AM on Zoom. Drawing on both secular and cantorial music, Udow will recall his journeyfrom 1960s coffee-house folk singer to cantorial soloist at Temple Shalom, Winnipeg’s Reform congregation where he helps Rabbi Allan Finkel to officiate and teach.
“Music is a bridge” says Udow. By sharing both his own story and performing live with vocals andguitar, Udow wants to show how we can “carry our ancient narratives to other hearts and souls…respecting the old traditions while introducing innovation in prayer and spirituality.” As Udow puts it,“In Judaism we see ourselves enlivening prayer with breath and melody, revealing the joy, praise andgratitude embedded in our heritage.”
For Cantor Udow, the phrase Iv’du B’simchah (Worship with Joy) has been “a call to service, puttingthis musician on the bimah (altar) of a little prairie shul (synagogue) where I have been privileged tolead a kahal (assembly) to a closer musical fellowship and learning.”
With his signature humour, Udow quotes mentor the late Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks, the former chiefrabbi of the United Kingdom, “When Jews talk they argue; when they sing they sing together.” ToRabbi Sacks “Words are the language of the Jewish mind; music is the language of the Jewish soul.”
Udow has performed on concert stages, festivals, radio and television and on numerous recordings. Aswell as playing the piano, banjo and guitar, he was a featured vocalist and music producer with fellowWinnipegger, Fred Penner, for over two decades.
“Worship with Joy” is the final lecture of Kolot Mayim’s six-part Series, “Building Bridges: Language,song and story.” Kolot Mayim Reform Synagogue has been active in Victoria for 20 years. This is thethird year of the speaker series.
Use this link to register: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJYvdu-rrzgoGNficqIleqD1g8nPFYbDmj7O
“Music is a bridge” says Udow. By sharing both his own story and performing live with vocals and guitar, Udow wants to show how we can “carry our ancient narratives to other hearts and souls…respecting the old traditions while introducing innovation in prayer and spirituality.” As Udow puts it, “In Judaism we see ourselves enlivening prayer with breath and melody, revealing the joy, praise and gratitude embedded in our heritage.”
For Cantor Udow, the phrase Iv’du B’simchah (Worship with Joy) has been “a call to service, putting this musician on the bimah (altar) of a little prairie shul (synagogue) where I have been privileged to lead a kahal (assembly) to a closer musical fellowship and learning.”
With his signature humour, Udow quotes mentor the late Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks, the former chief rabbi of the United Kingdom, “When Jews talk they argue; when they sing they sing together.” To Rabbi Sacks “Words are the language of the Jewish mind; music is the language of the Jewish soul.”
Udow has performed on concert stages, festivals, radio and television and on numerous recordings. As well as playing the piano, banjo and guitar, he was a featured vocalist and music producer with fellow Winnipegger, Fred Penner, for over two decades.
“Worship with Joy” is the final lecture of Kolot Mayim’s six-part Series, “Building Bridges: Language, song and story.” Kolot Mayim Reform Synagogue has been active in Victoria for 20 years. This is the third year of the speaker series.
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