
As we think about Naso, our Torah portion this week, we cannot help but be utterly grateful for the courage, endurance and stamina of the IDF forces who were able to rescue, redeem and bring home four hostages. Noa Argamani, 25, Almog Meir Jan, 21, Andrey Kozlov, 27, and 40-year-old Shlomi Ziv were all kidnapped at the Nova music festival, and were all rescued from a camp in central Gaza.

We must assume that even as this hostage rescue was taking place there were courageous people in Gaza who let the IDF know where these hostages were being kept. Their own lives were at risk, and they let Israel know these locations. We are very grateful to them.

How does this link with our Torah portion?

In Naso we read the Priestly blessings, the Birkat haKohanim. See this link for more:

Clara will be reading these words of blessing from our Torah – these words guard us with safety, blessing and peace. May all the hostages be returned soon, and may we all soon know the blessing of this prayer.

With love,
Rabbi Lynn