
Devarim is the final Book in Torah; it is also called Mishneh Torah, or Repetition/Explanation of Torah. This is the Book of Moses, if you will, where Moses reiterates the stories, journeys and mitzvot that the people Israel will need to remember as they prepare to cross the River Jordan.

Moses didn’t have long to live, and he knew he was not going to enter the Land. Devarim can be translated as words, and Moses, in his descriptions spoke many words. We use words to describe our journeys and words to welcome.

Joel Laventure and Jessica Havens are meeting with their respective Beit Din this week, on Rosh Chodesh Av. In completion of their decision to convert and join the tribe, they will be called to Torah on Shabbat. We are very pleased to welcome you both. In Chapter 1 verse 6, God says to the people, “Enough of your dwelling by the mountain. Turn yourself around and journey and come….” And then God describes the Land, this promised Land, given to their ancestors, ours, and now, also the ancestors of Joel and Jessica.

With love,
Rabbi Lynn