
Shavua tov, everyone,

This week we begin the month of Elul – Rosh Chodesh Elul begins Tuesday evening and through Wednesday, bringing us closer to Rosh Hashanah. This is also the week of Shoftim, Deena Vladar’s Bat Mitzvah portion. Not to give away her d’var, but this parasha is meant to be. I hope you can join us and celebrate the first of the coming Bar and Bat Mitzvah ceremonies at Kolot Mayim.

This has been a week of every emotion: gratitude at people stepping up; shared sadness; joy with a young couple getting married this coming Sunday. People we have been saying mishaberach blessings for have gone home, left hospital. I took several people off the list this Shabbat because they have died. Torah is so much about how to thread our way through the challenges life throws at us. I also had three people speak with me about workshops they wanted to develop for us this coming fall. We have a wealth of talent amongst us!

Elul is a time of deep reflection. Of teshuvah, of returning to the soul of our being. Return again, return again, return to the land of your soul…

Much love,

Rabbi Lynn