I am back home after being out of town all weekend. I had a truly inspiring weekend with the Beth Tikvah community, and their Chevra Kadisha members, and I was able to teach, answer questions, and demonstrate techniques with them. We are all blessed to be in this Jewish world where denominations can work together for the greater good of us all.
A very special thank you to Marilyn Wolovick, Lis Louwrier, Neomi Summers and Morris Bleviss who covered from the bimah in my absence. Kol hakavod.
Yomtov is around the corner. Please come and join us over the course of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur services. For many people Kol Nidre is the highlight of the year. The haunting melodies, the words, all clothes in tallitot at night, everything is new and everything is different at once.
But the whole cycle of these coming days from Selichot through Sukkot and Simchat Torah are highlights. Watch our calendar for days, times, and locations of all events.
Shana tova, g’mar chatima tova, may you be inscribed in the Book of Life,
Much love,
Rabbi Lynn
Yomtov Is Around the Corner
September 22, 2024 by Rabbi Lynn Greenhough • From the Rabbi's Desk
I am back home after being out of town all weekend. I had a truly inspiring weekend with the Beth Tikvah community, and their Chevra Kadisha members, and I was able to teach, answer questions, and demonstrate techniques with them. We are all blessed to be in this Jewish world where denominations can work together for the greater good of us all.
A very special thank you to Marilyn Wolovick, Lis Louwrier, Neomi Summers and Morris Bleviss who covered from the bimah in my absence. Kol hakavod.
Yomtov is around the corner. Please come and join us over the course of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur services. For many people Kol Nidre is the highlight of the year. The haunting melodies, the words, all clothes in tallitot at night, everything is new and everything is different at once.
But the whole cycle of these coming days from Selichot through Sukkot and Simchat Torah are highlights. Watch our calendar for days, times, and locations of all events.
Shana tova, g’mar chatima tova, may you be inscribed in the Book of Life,
Much love,
Rabbi Lynn