
What a wonderful Yom Kippur we had – beautiful singing, Pamela and Yariv playing extraordinary music to open Kol Nidre, Anabel chanting the Kol Nidre for over 90 people in the room, and more on Zoom. So much gratitude for all who came and participated.

I have put a special request in for some sunny days as of Sunday so that we can put up our Sukkah! I may get my wish. Hopefully, we will have a full sukkah on October 20th, when you are invited to come to our house/sukkah, make a b’racha on the sukkah, shake the lulav, hold the etrog, and enjoy a shmooze. There are a number of special days in our calendar including Hoshanah Rabba and Shmini Atzeret. We will be celebrating Sukkot and Simchat Torah at Kolot Mayim. Hoshanah Rabba is a particular favourite – come and join me at Hyacinth Park at 9 am, and we will circle and sing under the willow trees.

The following Friday is Simchat Torah. We need to sing and dance and celebrate our joy. One of my favourite holidays – I have so many wonderful memories of dancing with our Torah. Please come and join us. What a time of year this is – joy, gratitude, connection, inspiration. And always, hope. Doing hope. Every day.

Much love,
Rabbi Lynn