
A week can bring so much joy and sadness, anticipated and surprises abound when living in a community such as ours.  Friday night we celebrated with Gilda Good – she and David have been married 51 years now!  Mazal tov.

This Shabbat, Karen and Doug Davidson will be called to Torah for their first time. It will be a Shabbat of great joy.

We are so grateful that Jack Shalinsky came through surgery to repair a fractured hip. Thankfully, we have surgeons with skill, and a community who prayed for his recovery. And Sharon is home from hospital.

And we sat and stood with the Louwrier family, as Lis mourned her beloved mother Marta. We are so grateful to have each other in these and many more moments.

Last Shabbat, on Friday evening I spoke about devekut, cleaving to God. An odd concept in English or Hebrew – but a concept that can change how we see ourselves serving in this world. Bringing consciousness of the Divine Presence as we pray is one thing, but our teacher Nachmanides, teaches we want to bring that same consciousness into our dailyness, our business and work, our family life – all the little interactions that comprise our life.

Holding consciousness at all times is rare – as Maimonides teaches, probably for the tzaddikim alone – but we can all strive to feel that sense of Oneness in our everyday lives. When do you feel most connected with a sense of the sacred? Often, holy connection is built when we visit those in need, to share grief and to share life’s joys. Please let me know if you would like to share visits with those who would like some company.