
Shavua tov, a good week, everyone. This past Sunday evening many people, Jews and allies, stood together downtown in a light-filled vigil to honour the Bibas family and all hostages who are coming home to Israel, alive and dead. These are very challenging days as unimaginable horrors are visited upon Israel. We stand not just in vigil, but I hope, in the purpose of our covenant – to bring light into this world.

In Terumah, our parashah ha shavua, our reading for this week, we begin to learn about the construction of the Mishkan, the Ark. We read about the Menorah, hammered of pure gold. The intricate design of floral imagery and knobs on the Menorah are to be hammered out of one single piece of gold: “See and make, according to the form that you are shown on the mountain.” The analogue to our people, k’lal Yisroel, is critical. Just as we are “hammered” into peoplehood, we are designed in beauty and form to bring light, to be hammered into a single entity, to bring the light of God into this world.

As we light candle on Shabbat, let’s all take a few moments, particularly as we face into the darkness of these days, to consider how we might bring more light, more connection with the pure gold of our people, K’lal Yisroel. How do we find in the mitzvot we take on an increased ahavat Yisroel, love of Israel, people and Land.

Let’s Bring Them All Home.

Wishing all long life, healthy life, a good life,

With deep love,
Rabbi Lynn