Hannukah is over, and now we hold sweet memories of eating with friends and families over these days of lighting candles together. Last week in our Torah portion we read how Joseph prepared a table for his brothers; this week he finally shared the news that he was, in fact, their brother. He promised them bread, that they would eat, even in such a time of famine.
It is not insignificant that Joseph prepared a meal to help ready himself to share this truth. There is something profoundly fundamental about sharing our food, even if it is the most simple of meals. Even as Abraham ran forward to welcome the three men he spied whilst sitting in his tent, Joseph knew that to honour guests with food – no matter whom they may be – is in no small way honouring God.
Food, be it bread and salt, or the most sumptuous of feasts, plays such a role in our Torah and in our tradition. Blessings accompany our eating as we acknowledge how eating binds us in sacred relationship with God and with those we love.
All the more do we want to share food together at Kolot Mayim. Each Shabbat morning (first of every month) when we meet in person, we now share food. More and more of us are coming and staying, hungry not so much for edible delicacies, but for nourishment of company. Food is a vehicle of connection to the blessing of company and companionship. Come and join us on January 1st (that other New Year), as we share prayer, song and food together.
Kol tuv,
Rabbi Lynn
December 27, 2021 by Rabbi Lynn Greenhough • From the Rabbi's Desk Tags: vayera •
Plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose… as we might say in Canada. In Egypt, Pharaoh struggles to maintain and hold his power, even as his sorcerers are no match for Moses, aided by the Divine One. And just as the ancient Israelites may have lost sight of the covenant promised to their ancestors, they will rediscover and renew that covenant once they leave Egypt and stand at Sinai.