Lech Lecha
Shavua tov, everyone. Covid has brought us a number of Back to the Future moments. The Board of Kolot Mayim decided this past week to primarily return to Zoom for delivery of our Shabbat services. The Hybrid model – providing a Zoom of in-person services as/is complicated and our in-person numbers were just too low – to the point where justifying the expenditure of effort was not possible. We will be holding an in-person service once a month for everyone who feels able to attend – followed by a light lunch. Meanwhile let’s think of other ways that we can encourage our members to gather in small bubbles – here are some ideas generated from last week’s Shabbat service.
Ideas for getting together
Shabbat – On Friday nights and Saturday mornings, invite a few people to join you for a Shabbat meal and enjoy singing together while following the Zoom service.
On Shabbat afternoons – arrange to have tea and a visit – maybe every other week.
Arrange for Zoom or phone visits Friday morning/early afternoons to check in with friends – and maybe people you don’t know so well yet.
Let’s make our Zoom services as interactive as possible.
Help with services:
Want to learn to sing one of the prayers for Friday evening or Shabbat morning? Call Rabbi Lynn.
Love music? Help the rabbi locate Jewish music videos to play on Zoom.
Give a d’var on the weekly parashah – contact Rabbi Lynn for ideas.
Want to help with our once monthly in person service?
We need a volunteer to organize a rota of people to bring the following: Bring paper bowls, a crockpot of vegetarian soup, bread (Challah/Pita) and dessert.
We have an opportunity to build Shabbat connections and well beyond. I am looking forward to hearing from you about your ideas and how you might like to participate as we continue to build our kehillah.
Kol tuv,
Rabbi Lynn
October 18, 2021 by Rabbi Lynn Greenhough • From the Rabbi's Desk Tags: humour, vayeira •
Shavua tov, everyone. Does life sometimes feel like a mirage? Have you ever wondered if you are really seeing what your eyes appear to be seeing? If seeing is believing, then is nothing lost in translation between sight, vision, perception and belief?
What did Avraham actually see on the plains of Mamre, sitting still in pain from his circumcision. The language is unclear. He saw three men standing over him – and he also ran towards them, implying some distance between them. Here? Or there?