This week we come close to completing our reading of Vayikra, the Book of Leviticus. Because we are in a leap year we read Behar separately from B’chukotai, where we read sequences of blessings and curses. Such is life in many ways. Separately and together.
I had the privilege this week to sit bedside with the mother of one of our members. She has been hospitalized and will hopefully recover enough to leave her present premises. As we spoke, she told me of her marriage to her second husband, now deceased, and she described herself in that marriage as completely content. I was so struck by the depths she found in all of love’s simplicity within that one word. Her life was not without sadness, not without grief, but her overall emotion was that of contentment. What a blessing.
We spoke in shul last week about endurance. Again, endurance is a quality we may not think of often, but in endurance we are able to look at that big picture, be it our marriage, our difficulties, or our lifetime. B’har and B’chukotai is about both contentment and endurance. Harvesting and fallow years. The blessing of rest, of Shabbat. But these parashiot are also about finding in both the blessings and admonitions of our lives the blessing of God’s light, that we may know, “I will establish my covenant with you.”
That covenant, that relationship may be difficult to find at times, but as we gather together, as we see each other, as we step up to learn, we find that endurance requires contentment, and contentment requires endurance. May we all be so blessed.
With love,
Rabbi Lynn
June 17, 2024 by Rabbi Lynn Greenhough • From the Rabbi's Desk
This Friday evening we will be holding our final Kabbalat Shabbat service until August. I will be on holiday during the month of July. I will be in town, mostly, and am certainly available in case of emergencies. Hopefully all will be well.
This week in our parasha, B’ha’alotecha, we read about the lighting of the Menorah. As the light from the seven lamps cast light so too are we commanded to cast our light. This morning (Monday) I opened my texts to read a message from a dear friend in England. Avielah told me that a Chevrah Kadisha colleague had died. Melvyn Hartog headed up the United Synagogues Chevra Kadisha for many years – we met at a CK conference. He was a haimishe man, very warm and utterly committed to the work we both loved. Melvyn truly brought light into his work. Apparently, he frequently gave talks entitled, “Talking About Death Won’t Kill You.” May his memory be a blessing.
These days can appear very disheartening, as we read about more and more occasions when Jewish presence is being erased – from Pride parades to faculty associations, from University academic journals to concert settings. Kol hakavod to two of our members, Anita and Sari who have written letters to our local paper highlighting this ongoing and worsening situation. May we all be lights unto our nation, and may we each hold the presence of one other with love and with light.
With love,
Rabbi Lynn