SB Right – 3 Column
This week, in Vayeshev, we read that Jacob finally settles, he rests in the Land. All the comings and goings that have marked his life until now have ended, and he now simply dwells in the Land. But even as this word implies a settling in, his life quickly and tragically becomes unsettled with the drama of the […]
Vayetze is such a special parashah for me – and has been for decades. But even I could not have anticipated what this past week brought to us. We have been needing a second Sefer Torah – for holidays, Rosh Chodesh – all manner of occasions need a second Torah set and ready for reading. This […]
As I work in my office I often eavesdrop on conversations at the front desk: people new to Victoria being welcomed (Hi, Sharon), old friends whose voices I may recognize, all manner of welcomes that make our home at the JCC feel so right. Latke Madness begins in December so just a heads up – […]
We are in a month of celebrations – this past week Asher Russell was called to Torah on the occasion of his Bar Mitzvah and this coming Shabbat, Milo Mateer will be called to Torah as Bat Mitzvah. Not only do our young people lead us in prayer, and read from Torah, they give us […]
Chaye Sarah
As we look forward to celebrating a Bar and a Bat Mitzvah over the coming weeks, we again are reminded of our obligation to be a community of learners. It takes such courage for our young people to learn and sing in front of us. But I have come to appreciate that their fear is […]
Thank you to everyone who sent messages to me over this past week – it has been a while since I was laid quite so flat! This week we open up the book of Vayeira with the teachings of hachnasat orchim – welcoming hospitality. We read of Avraham and Sarah welcoming three strangers with food, […]
Lech Lecha
Lech Lecha is that section of Torah where we are all invited to stop for a breath, pause, and look within ourselves: where are we headed this year? Where is that place, that makom, where God wants me to be this year? What am I meant to be learning, and what am I meant to be […]
Rosh Chodesh Heshvan
This coming Shabbat is Rosh Chodesh Heshvan – the month of Heshvan is sometimes called Mar Heshvan, sad or bitter Heshvan, as there are no holidays that month. Whew!! When Rosh Chodesh, the new month, coincides with Shabbat there are a few special prayers recited to honour that conjunction. There are also special additions to […]
December 29, 2024 by Rabbi Lynn Greenhough • From the Rabbi's Desk
My d’var this past Shabbat re Chanukah: D’var Miketz: Light. Chag Urim Hannukah, Bring light into the world. Be a Maccabee. We are probably all familiar with the Talmudic story of the small vial of oil that the Jews used to dedicate the Temple after it had been desecrated by the Assyrian-Greeks, and then cleansed. A small […]