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Rosh Chodesh Heshvan
This coming Shabbat is Rosh Chodesh Heshvan – the month of Heshvan is sometimes called Mar Heshvan, sad or bitter Heshvan, as there are no holidays that month. Whew!! When Rosh Chodesh, the new month, coincides with Shabbat there are a few special prayers recited to honour that conjunction. There are also special additions to […]
Simchat Torah
Please come on Friday evening this week – as we celebrate Simchat Torah and celebrate two individuals who have contributed greatly to Kolot Mayim over their years with us: Morris Bleviss and Neomi Summers. Simchat Torah is an occasion when we honour a kallah (a bride) and a chatan (a groom) with a special Aliyah. We […]
What a wonderful Yom Kippur we had – beautiful singing, Pamela and Yariv playing extraordinary music to open Kol Nidre, Anabel chanting the Kol Nidre for over 90 people in the room, and more on Zoom. So much gratitude for all who came and participated. I have put a special request in for some sunny days […]
October 7
When I first spoke last October 10th, I opened with ein milim – no words, there are no words. Of course, words followed, many words, then thousands more have followed since that evening. This evening, I want to highlight just two words: Courage and Hope. What does the concept of courage mean to us? I think […]
V’Zot Ha’Brachah
This is such an intense time of year, and this year we are also marking the first anniversary of October 7th. I will see many of you at the Gorge Pavilion, where the commemoration is taking place on Monday evening. It is a heart-breaking time as we know 101 hostages are still deeply hidden in […]
Rosh Hashanah
Shavua tov, dear friends, 5785 is virtually here. We pray that the year will be a year of greater peace and security throughout the mid-East and particularly for Israel. We pray for the health of our congregants and family members who are suffering in body and soul. And we pray for our capacity – each […]
Yomtov Is Around the Corner
I am back home after being out of town all weekend. I had a truly inspiring weekend with the Beth Tikvah community, and their Chevra Kadisha members, and I was able to teach, answer questions, and demonstrate techniques with them. We are all blessed to be in this Jewish world where denominations can work together for the greater good […]
Lech Lecha
November 6, 2024 by Rabbi Lynn Greenhough • From the Rabbi's Desk
Lech Lecha is that section of Torah where we are all invited to stop for a breath, pause, and look within ourselves: where are we headed this year? Where is that place, that makom, where God wants me to be this year? What am I meant to be learning, and what am I meant to be […]