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We had such a beautiful Shabbat/Shavuot service on Shabbat morning June 4th – many people brought flowers to help decorate out little shul. Thank you to everyone who helped in all manner of ways to make our morning as meaningful as could be; some helped lead the davening, some helped in the kitchen, some folded tablecloths, […]
This past week brought many interactions and connections with people, as per usual. Babies and elders and everyone in between. People have moved here, and people have moved away. As we come to this week of preparation for Shavuot I find myself thinking about the many journeys our people have embarked upon, packing up, leaving a home […]
I have been thinking a lot this past week about the word yes. Giving assent, agreement, even within our silence. Rabbi Mendel Torum of Rymanov taught: Only the first letter of the commandments, the aleph of anokhi, “I am,” was spoken by the Divine voice. Aleph signifies the number One, referring to the unity of all in God, […]
Each week when we have services over Zoom, I like to find part of our musical heritage to end the service – sometimes contemporary and sometimes an historical treasure. These past two weeks I was with families as we buried their beloved husbands, fathers, and grandfathers – both men born in Istanbul. In their memory, […]
June 12, 2022 by Rabbi Lynn Greenhough • From the Rabbi's Desk Tags: Behaalotecha, rabbi manis friedman, unimaginably good •
This week we read Parashah Beha’alotecha in the Book of Bamidbar – we open up with instructions about kindling the lamps of the Menorah. We read that the Menorah is of hammered out gold, from its base to the opening of its flowers. This week is also our Annual General Meeting, Thursday evening at 7 pm. […]