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From the Rabbi's Desk
Rosh Chodesh, Vayetze
Shalom Aleichem. There was a chassid who used to travel a great distance to be with his Rebbe, chassidic master Rabbi Aaron of Karlin. Once, while making his journey, he was asked why he couldn’t find a Rebbe who lived closer to his own town. “Going to the Karliner gives me special powers,” the chassid […]
November 18, 2018 by Rabbi Lynn Greenhough • From the Rabbi's Desk Tags: vayishlach •
Shabbat shalom, everyone! This week our parahsah is Vayishlach. Ya’akov is returning to the Land after twenty years in Haran, where he has acquired wives, children, sheep, goats and considerable wealth. Before crossing the river Yabbok, night falls, and again, in a famous sequence, Yaakov has a dream/vision/encounter with – whom? A man? An angel? […]