
August has been a month of simchas, even during the month of Av, a time of mourning. We have celebrated weddings, conversions, first time leyning Torah with us at KM, and we have also supported those who are ill and in need of a visit.

We send our condolences to Lis and Ariel Louwrier and their family on the death of Marta Colbas, Lis’ beloved mother. Shiva announcement will be sent separately.

Last Shabbat Jocelyn Abrams (who brings us beautiful flower arrangements from her garden in honour of her beloved mother, reminded Aaron and I of a scenario we had both completely forgotten. In telling us this vignette, I was reminded again of the importance of being in community – even if it means that others remember stories and precious moments we may have forgotten!

Our rabbis in Israel knew by the 6th century that Torah was in peril and the Masoretes then set out to preserve correct spellings, the ta’amim for correct phrasing and pronunciation, in order to preserve Torah as it was given m’Sinai. So too, do we remember and hold our stories. Life and death, both become our own Torah.

Reminder of a few changes to come:

Friday nights: Once a month we will have a Kabbalat Shabbat service with a modified Torah service – one Aliyah. One Friday a month we will hold a Kolot Mayim Friday night dinner, where we will be reciting the Blessings together, sharing a meal and some stories. We see these efforts as building community ties.

Torah: Want to read Torah but feel a whole Aliyah (minimum of three verses is too much? We are inviting you to learn one verse and then another reader will complete the remaining verses.

Haftarah: From Bereshit in October we will be including an abbreviated Haftarah (reading from the Prophets). We will be inviting congregation members to learn the Blessings Before and After by singing along with us. If you wish to learn to chant a Haftarah in Hebrew speak to Rabbi Lynn – and if you would like to read the Haftarah in English, we invite you to also speak with Rabbi Lynn.

Welcoming, Buddy system: We are looking for people to offer to be at the door to welcome people as they arrive, and also to act as a ‘buddy’, particularly for those new to services.

D’var: Have you an occasion where you would like to give the d’var? Want to choose a particular Torah reading, perhaps to honour a loved one, and give a d’var that day? Call Rabbi Lynn.

These are a few of our thoughts as we move forward into the coming year. Team Kolot Mayim – we are all learners, all have capacity to share what we are learning.

With love,
Rabbi Lynn