Yitro is that reading that reminds us all that not only are we not alone, but that we should never think we can do it all by ourselves. Yitro is the father-in-law of Moses. He watches a long line of people approaching Moses day after day, hour after hour with their problems. And finally Yitro says to Moses, “This is not a good thing.” He then advises Moses to set up a court of elders who can problem-solve with the people.
During Tu B’Shevat Lis passed around index cards for people to fill in with how they thought KM could best blossom and grow. There were a number of requests – from more community dinners to more opportunities for learning prayers to Jewish cooking classes to a weekly support group to starting a community garden. All great ideas! And hopefully we can put some, if not all of these ideas, into action.
And, how can you help? Are you a gardener or have garden space but no longer have the koach to garden? Do you have a basic repertoire or Jewish recipes that you might love to share – and teach the basics of making good knishes and rugelach? You can see where I am going!!
If you have particular skills, talents and/or interests and would like to share those talents with other KM members, please be in touch. Let’s set up a skills bank and begin to meet with each other outside of shul. Let’s build our community with each other. Yitro was right – no-one can do this alone. I look forward to hearing from you.
With love,
Rabbi Lynn
February 5, 2024 by Rabbi Lynn Greenhough • From the Rabbi's Desk
You may have noticed that Aaron and I will be sponsoring our oneg this coming Friday evening. Mishpatim is a very special parashah for us both, but particularly for me, as it is my conversion parashah. Interestingly, Mishpatim is also the first parashah where we learn many of the ‘civil’ mitzvot after standing at Sinai. We learn what we are to do and what we are not to do as Jews.More