Dear friends,
This week we are in Toldot – a word we use for generations – and we learn about the struggles between Jacob and Esau, the sons of Isaac and Rivka. Again, we read of the intimate details of this Abrahamic family; Rivka’s struggle to become pregnant, her difficulties when finally becoming pregnant, the struggles between her two sons and the jealousy and deception that informs decisions made and action taken. All such struggles resonate with many of us.
November 23, 2020 by Rabbi Lynn Greenhough • From the Rabbi's Desk Tags: vayetze •
Good morning dear friends. This week we are now under tighter Covid restrictions, in an effort to reduce and flatten the rising numbers of infections here on the Island and across BC. As a result I am changing all my visits to Zoom for the meanwhile. But please let me know if you would like to chat, offer suggestions, ask questions – anything at all.More