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Hello everyone, my days have been full: the figs are ripe (happy days), we have had a few long-overdue dinners, and we are looking forward to a few days with our son and grandchildren. Plus I have been planning weddings, setting up a Beit Din for three adults and one wee baby, B’nei Mitzvah planning, […]
What a week of blessing we have had, with more to come. Being in a community like Kolot Mayim is very much like being in that flowing river that Charlotte Marcovitz mentioned in her d’var about her parashah: Balaam sings in a poem to the nation Israel: “How goodly are your tents O Jacob, your dwelling […]
This week our Torah portion is called Balak – and yet even as the King of Moab appears to be calling the shots, it is the character of Bilam that is more intriguing. Bilam is a wizard – millennia before Hogwarts – and his reputation is known across the lands. Bilam is commanded by the […]
July always seems to bring one of those very special weeks. This July brings two conversions completed – a few more to come later in the summer, (Mazal tov to Chasida Shai Fudger and Aidan Doduck); we will celebrate a Bat Mitzvah, (Mazal tov to Charlotte Marcovitz and her entire family); and we also celebrate […]
Korach, our Torah parashah this week, seemingly examines what happens to those who complain. The leader of the rebellion, also from the tribe of Levi, a cousin of Moshe, challenges his authority. Korach asks the question – “Isn’t this entire assembly a holy people.” Are we not equal? It is a question that resonates with […]
My car is the Victoria Jewish bookmobile – as fast as I empty it out (not fast) someone else offers me books. But where oh where has this book ended up? If you have it, the original owner would dearly love to have it back – please be in touch with me, and I will […]
This week we read Parashah Beha’alotecha in the Book of Bamidbar – we open up with instructions about kindling the lamps of the Menorah. We read that the Menorah is of hammered out gold, from its base to the opening of its flowers. This week is also our Annual General Meeting, Thursday evening at 7 pm. […]
August 29, 2022 by Rabbi Lynn Greenhough • From the Rabbi's Desk Tags: beit din, elul, mikvah •
I have had a very special morning today; up at 4:30 to stand with three people who after two years (and more) of learning and practice have joined the holy covenant. After each person met with a Beit Din, this morning they (sequentially) entered the waters of life at very first light for mikvah. They […]