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This past Kabbalat Shabbat we listened to Amitai Aricha sing one of the poems written by the Yeminite 17th century poet, Rabbi Shalom Shabazi, or as Gary Cohen spoke of him, the “Shakespeare of Yemen.”
Emor – Say: a command for Moses to speak to the Kohanim, the priests. Moses is to provide instructions as to the sacredness of their duty to the people Israel. But the job description of the Kohanim changed post destruction of the Second Temple. Even biblically, as the Kohanim served the people of Israel, with that […]
This week, in Acharei Mot we read about all manner of forbidden relationships. Included in the list of forbidden relationships – and there are more than you might imagine – is the now infamous 18:22. The word toevah, abomination is used in application to any man who may lie with a man as one lies […]
Leviticus – Vayikra – can really take us into the weeds – or the tzaaras, a leprous-like affliction. So many words devoted to descriptions of this affliction and what is to be done. Yet, even the Rabbis say, “There never was nor will there ever be a rebellious and gluttonous son; why [then] was it […]
May 9, 2021 by Rabbi Lynn Greenhough • From the Rabbi's Desk Tags: bamidbar, george pal, prisoners of hope •
This week we begin learning Bamidbar, the Book of Numbers. We begin with a census – isn’t it just fascinating how often our Torah readings bring forward events we are experiencing right now? Have you completed your census form, and indicated that you are Jewish? This indication is being promoted so that our local Jewish organizations […]