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From the Rabbi's Desk
Toldot: Deception – or love?
In the early twentieth century a man was brought to Rabbi Avraham Yitzhak Kook. This father had given his son a good Jewish education, he tried to set a good example, and he kept the mitzvot. Now, however, his son had drifted away from Judaism; he no longer kept mitzvot, he did not even identify […]
Rosh Chodesh, Vayetze
November 11, 2018 by Rabbi Lynn Greenhough • From the Rabbi's Desk Tags: vayetze •
Shalom Aleichem. There was a chassid who used to travel a great distance to be with his Rebbe, chassidic master Rabbi Aaron of Karlin. Once, while making his journey, he was asked why he couldn’t find a Rebbe who lived closer to his own town. “Going to the Karliner gives me special powers,” the chassid […]