Dear friends,
Chag sameach everyone, the Festival of Sukkot begins Monday evening, and the last day we celebrate is with Simchat Torah, Wednesday, September 29th. What a month this has been and continues to be!
From Rosh Hashanah through Simchat Torah we have the blessing of so many days of celebration – a blessing that can feel never ending some days! We have days of great joy and anticipation – eating favourite foods, dancing, shaking the lulav – and we gather for more somber days, where, for example, on Yizkor we remember our loved ones with pain in our hearts to this day.
October 9, 2022 by Rabbi Lynn Greenhough • From the Rabbi's Desk Tags: canadian thanksgiving, sukkot •
A conjunction of joy and of course hodu – gratitude – (and turkey) in a pun that just must be noted!More