
Many of us – many – have been down this past week with colds, flu, pneumonia even, and to everyone we wish a refuah shlemah, a complete healing. The ‘bugs’ even caught up with me and I was quite unable to lead Shabbat services this past Shabbat morning. Thank you, kol hakavod to Lis Louwrier and Marilyn Wolovick, who responded to my plea for help on very short notice. They co-led services very capably from all reports.

This is an invitation to all to participate in learning and leading – be it Shabbat morning prayers, Torah reading, Kabbalat Shabbat – a favourite prayer/song. Please let me know what you would like to learn. The very first verses in our parashah this week, read, “God spoke to Moses saying, ‘Speak to the Children of Israel and let them take for me a portion, from every person whose heart motivates them you shall take My portion.’” Couldn’t have said it better myself!

While the portions mentioned in Terumah were of material goods, (wool, skins, spices and stones), we can certainly bring that same intention of offering into our davening, and bring contributions towards our collective health as a congregation. Looking forward to hearing from you.

With love,
Rabbi Lynn