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Ki Tisa
Last Thursday evening we celebrated Purim on Zoom – what a fun evening! I find myself filled with trepidation before our holidays, wondering how we will ever find the ‘tam’, the flavour of the holidays on Zoom – and every time I am thrilled that we taste every flavour imaginable! Thank you to everyone for […]
I don’t use this forum to advertise websites very often (except for some wonderful videos!) but I would like everyone to be aware of one particular website that is a fountain of knowledge about Jewish life – My Jewish Learning. See: From history to recipes to discussions about Jewish beliefs and practices this site offers succinct […]
This week we read and learn about the building of the Mishkan, the Sanctuary in the Bamidbar, the Wilderness. All manner of exotic building materials are required and the building begins! And yes this transition seems a tad abrupt! Just last week we were in Mishpatim and learning the mishpat, the social laws and now […]
Mishpatim follows immediately on the giving of the Aseret Dibrot, the Ten Declarations in Yitro – and what a follow up it is. We read through 53 Mitzvot – about 23 positive and 30 negative (thou shall and thou shall not) are found in Mishpatim, our social laws. Here we learn how to govern ourselves […]
Yitro: Good Advice from the Shver
Yitro is the shver, the chotain, the father-in-law of Moses, and he is also a Midianite priest. Within the first 15 verses this relationship to Moses is reiterated 10 times. Yitro is positioned in Torah as having a far greater influence on Moses, as he leads the Israelite people into the lands out of Egypt, than his […]
Torah for the Birds
Shabbat B’Shallach is also known as Shabbat Shira – the Shabbat of Song. After crossing over the Sea of Reeds, escaping from the narrow confines of Mitzrayim, Egypt, the Israelites break out in a song, and sing words that speak of themselves in the past, present and future – just as we heard when Moses asked God, […]
In our Torah reading this week, BO, the Israelites finally leave Egypt – and, with the guidance of God and Moses head, presumably, to the Land of covenant. Perhaps my aversion to camping trips is embedded in knowing that what should have been 10 days became an interminable 40 years!
Last week we opened the Book of Shemot, or Exodus; this week we are in the second parashah – Va’eira. God tells Moses that God “appeared” to Abraham, to Isaac and to Jacob…This is a passage of reassurance to Moses, who, whilst having agreed to challenge Pharaoh for the release of his people Israel, is […]
March 7, 2021 by Rabbi Lynn Greenhough • From the Rabbi's Desk Tags: vayakhel •
This coming Shabbat is Shabbat haChodesh – the Shabbat before Rosh Chodesh Nisan – the month in which we celebrate Passover (first night of which will be a full moon). Rosh Chodesh, the New Moon, was traditionally honoured by a gathering to see the sliver of moon, and say prayers. We must calculate our dates […]