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Some of you asked me to post the recording of the Moroccan Cantor singing the Shir HaYam: שירת הים – מילים, ביצועים, פירושים ותווים | אתר הפיוט והתפילה And, speaking of links, here is my link to the Spiritually Speaking column in The Times Colonist that was printed this past Shabbat: Kolot Mayim is busy […]
This week we cross over the sea from Mitzrayim, to begin our trek towards freedom, Sinai, towards becoming a people in Covenant with God. We will soon shift in our story from individual covenant to God holding covenant with the entire people Israel. B’Shallach includes the Shir haYam, the Song of the Sea, for which […]
Over these past few days I have had a chance to catch up on some reading – I actually read a few books. I uploaded several to Kindle: Jews Don’t Count by David Baddiel, a British stand-up comedian who addresses anti-Semitism within the progressive left, and People Love Dead Jews by Dara Horn. I highly recommend both books. […]
Plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose… as we might say in Canada. In Egypt, Pharaoh struggles to maintain and hold his power, even as his sorcerers are no match for Moses, aided by the Divine One. And just as the ancient Israelites may have lost sight of the covenant promised to their ancestors, […]
January 23, 2022 by Rabbi Lynn Greenhough • From the Rabbi's Desk
Although I am not a lawyer, Mishpatim will always be a favourite and memorable Torah reading for me. This was the parashah of my conversion, my birth-day, if you will, and I hold each specific memory of that time in 1992 as a jewel in my mind. Judaism is not anarchist by nature; our halachah […]