Ki Tavo

One of the joys of my work is that every day is so different; I never know what the next e-mail or next phone call might bring. I never know what response might be needed of me. Some situations require my immediate attention, some allow for a more longitudinal response. I am aware that sometimes my need to delay a response or visit might be interpreted as a lack of interest or welcome, for which I am sorry. As I think about these intervals of need and reply, I wonder about my own, our own response to the voice of God.

Am I allowing room to hear the Divine voice within me? Or am I replying with a message like this: “I am out of town for the next few weeks. If there is an emergency please call the following numbers…” Is God trying to use a discontinued number? Or do I answer happy to hear this call from within?

Am I disappointed God doesn’t call more frequently? Or am I irritated by those endless calls and reminders about who I am in this world? Do I want to tell God to leave me alone, or am I begging to be heard?

We are in the month of Elul: “ELUL” stands for “I am for my Beloved, and my Beloved is for me” (Song of Songs 6:3); this acronym of loving connection. alef-lamed-vav-lamed.

To listen is to love, to love self, other and God. to love the times of wilderness, and love the Sinai moments; to love in light and in darkness. May this month of Elul lead us all to deeper connection with each other. In Ki Tavo we read of curses and blessings. May we be blessed in this coming year 5784: “Blessed shall be your fruit basket and your kneading bowl. Blessed shall you be when you come in and blessed shall you be when you go out.” May this new year coming be full of blessings. And may we be ready for the blessings of both sending and responding to those messages from our Divine Oneness.

With love,
Rabbi Lynn