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Re’eh is one of those parshiot that commands us to open our eyes. We can be so overwhelmed with keeping up (remember that rabbit I mentioned last week?) that we can often not see the miracles around us. We can also miss those opportunities in front of us where we can step up and step in. What am […]
Dear friends, I am always surprised (not sure why) at how apt the Torah reading of the week is for any particular occasion. This week we return to weekly services and the Torah reading is from Vaetchanan, where again we hear Moses review the Aseret Dibrot, the Ten Commandments given at Sinai. Just as Moses needed to […]
Again I want to thank all of you for all the love and support you have given both Aaron and me over these past few months. Most of you know I will be on leave over July. I very much need this time to have quiet. Please know that even as you don’t see me, […]
Have you ever wanted to bring home good news – and then hesitated, only seeing all the pitfalls that might preclude reporting the good? The leaders of each tribe of Israel did exactly that. Commanded by God, asked by Moses, chosen by their tribe members, each leader ventured into the Land to see what it […]
Most days I get up early, and on these warm days one of the first things I attend to is watering the many “rooms” in our garden – sides, back yard, front rhododendrons. All are thirsty. I often find myself thinking about how we all, too, are parched and thirsty. We too are in need […]
Shavuot was just wonderful – with a beautiful and stirring d’var given by Lis Louwrier. Lis reminded us that we never stand alone at Sinai as she listed many of those who help make our kehillah what it is. This morning I read the (exceedingly lengthy) list of requirements that potential rabbinic candidates were to […]
So many recipes for Shavuot – cheesecakes, blintzes, cottage cheese pancakes, home-made ice creams – what a time of year. These days, we even have dairy-free options for all of the above these days. I am sure Moses would approve. A joyous time of year. Please come and join us at shul on the morning […]
August 15, 2023 by Rabbi Lynn Greenhough • From the Rabbi's Desk
Usually I stay within the realm of providing whatever leadership I can for religious services, life cycle events, etc. The Board makes all governance and fiscal decisions. However, during these few weeks before Rosh Hashanah, we have a time for all manner of renewals. I suggest our spiritual and religious renewals also include renewal of […]