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I want to continue the conversation I began last week and acknowledge some deeply important teachings that we as Jews share with the many Indigenous Canadian communities around us. As the process of speaking Truth and beginning Reconciliation is a process that will continue over time, so too must we all pay attention to speaking […]
A week of beginnings, and Kabbalat Shabbat brings us into the beginnings of Torah – full circle from the final line in Devarim “… and with all the strong hand and with all the great fear that Moses did before the eyes of all Israel “ to the first line in Bereshit, “When God began […]
Dear friends, Chag sameach everyone, the Festival of Sukkot begins Monday evening, and the last day we celebrate is with Simchat Torah, Wednesday, September 29th. What a month this has been and continues to be!
Kever Avot
I am writing this as I prepare to leave for Kever Avot, a ritual of remembering all those beloved to us who have died this past year and beyond. Kever Avot goes back really to the beginning of time, along with the construction of headstones, tombs and memorials to the dead. This past Shabbat was […]
Lech Lecha
October 12, 2021 by Rabbi Lynn Greenhough • From the Rabbi's Desk
Shavua tov, everyone. Covid has brought us a number of Back to the Future moments. The Board of Kolot Mayim decided this past week to primarily return to Zoom for delivery of our Shabbat services. The Hybrid model – providing a Zoom of in-person services as/is complicated and our in-person numbers were just too low […]