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Dear friends, As I am composing my thoughts, I am listening to the rain, drip, drip, drip. We are so blessed to have rainfall, even as we may need to rearrange ourselves as we try to have outdoor visits. We know that without adequate rain, much vegetation around us will suffer. What is the geshem, the […]
Dear friends, What a month plus of celebrations we have had. We have Zoomed around the world and into each other’s homes and hearts. As the wind knocked over the willows from our sukkah on Shabbat, we are reminded that the seasons have shifted. We now change the wording in the Amidah from Moreed ha’tal, a […]
Even in Danger, We Sang
Dear friends, The announcement page looks very bare after the fullness of this past month with so many announcements about our Yomtov preparations and services! I have heard back from many of you and am so pleased that you enjoyed the array of videos and singing that we included in our Rosh Hashanah and Yom […]
The Blessing of So Many Days of Celebration
From Rosh Hashanah through Simchat Torah we have the blessing of so many days of celebration – a blessing that can feel never ending some days! We have days of great joy and anticipation – eating favourite foods, dancing, shaking the lulav – and we gather for more somber days, where, for example, on Yizkor […]
Holding Ourselves Upright
Dear friends, One can learn from the smallest of details. As I was preparing this message, I attempted to diminish the photo of myself (above). If I diminished the photo too much, it flipped and showed upside down. What occurred to me in that moment was a lesson in being careful to not diminish ourselves […]
Zooming the High Holy Days
Hello dear Kolot Mayim friends, We will be Zooming all Rosh Hashanah services – please join us to see all the wonderful faces of our Kolot Mayim membership. The really wonderful part of Zoom is we see each other face-on, and not just the back of many heads.
Preparing for the High Holy Days
Hello dear Kolot Mayim friends, The days are getting shorter, the time to prepare for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur is getting shorter. Rosh Hashanah is approaching so very quickly. I am rehearsing and planning, charting and listening and trying to make our services feel haimisch even as they will feel very different this year.
Ki Tavo
Hello dear Kolot Mayim friends, Another week draws us closer to Rosh Hashanah. This week we explore Ki Tavo – when you come near. Torah is speaking to us about k’lal Yisroel, the Israelite peoples entering the Land, but for us, today, Ki Tavo also carries the extra meaning of approaching our new year. What […]
Ki Tetze
Hello dear members and friends of Kolot Mayim, This is such a busy time of year – and even busier this year, I think. We are doing our best to keep connected, and as we look into fall and winter we will be trying to make sure those connections stay strong. Please be in touch […]
Well Done, Jack!
October 26, 2020 by Rabbi Lynn Greenhough • News Tags: aaron devor, jack shalinsky, jewish federation of victoria and vancouver island, jfvvi •
Congratulations to Kolot Mayim’s Jack Shalinsky, who, over the weekend was presented with a certificate in recognition of his 17 years of service on the board of Jewish Federation of Victoria and Vancouver Island. Presenting him with the certificate is KM’s Aaron Devor.