We are still in the cycles of Tishrei holidays; from preparations for Rosh Hashanah through Kol Nidre and Yom Kippur to Sukkot/Hoshanah Rabbah, Shmini Atzeret and Simchat Torah, we have one long journey of joy. This year our Federal election is on the day of Shmini Atzeret and the evening of first night Simchat Torah – I think instead of dancing with a Sefer Torah in our arms, many of us will be glued to the news.

That said, I would like to put a word in for our celebrating Simchat Torah – an evening of great joy as we make 7 hakafot, 7 circles around our shul, holding a Sefer Torah and singing. We then read the very end of Devarim, the last verses of Deuteronomy and immediately roll the Sefer Torah back to Bereshit and start our cycle of readings all over again. We never leave Torah, and on this holiday we find ourselves, yet again, back to the beginning. Simchat Torah is a time when we honour a kallah and a hatan, a bride and groom of Torah – two people who are honoured for their particular service over the previous year. It truly is a wonderful celebration – if people come. We will have a celebration of this joyous holiday at Kabbalat Shabbat this coming Friday – please come and join us. Judaism isn’t Judaism without Jews!!
Let’s continue to welcome people to join us at our services and our events at Kolot Mayim. Make sure people know how to find the web page, and if you think someone you know might enjoy a personal visit let me know.
Simchat Torah
October 15, 2019 by Rabbi Lynn Greenhough • From the Rabbi's Desk Tags: simhat torah, tishrei •
We are still in the cycles of Tishrei holidays; from preparations for Rosh Hashanah through Kol Nidre and Yom Kippur to Sukkot/Hoshanah Rabbah, Shmini Atzeret and Simchat Torah, we have one long journey of joy. This year our Federal election is on the day of Shmini Atzeret and the evening of first night Simchat Torah – I think instead of dancing with a Sefer Torah in our arms, many of us will be glued to the news.
That said, I would like to put a word in for our celebrating Simchat Torah – an evening of great joy as we make 7 hakafot, 7 circles around our shul, holding a Sefer Torah and singing. We then read the very end of Devarim, the last verses of Deuteronomy and immediately roll the Sefer Torah back to Bereshit and start our cycle of readings all over again. We never leave Torah, and on this holiday we find ourselves, yet again, back to the beginning. Simchat Torah is a time when we honour a kallah and a hatan, a bride and groom of Torah – two people who are honoured for their particular service over the previous year. It truly is a wonderful celebration – if people come. We will have a celebration of this joyous holiday at Kabbalat Shabbat this coming Friday – please come and join us. Judaism isn’t Judaism without Jews!!
Let’s continue to welcome people to join us at our services and our events at Kolot Mayim. Make sure people know how to find the web page, and if you think someone you know might enjoy a personal visit let me know.