Yom HaShoah
The last few weeks we have been struggling to have a minyan at our services, Friday night and Saturday morning. We need an in-person minyan to enable certain prayers to be recited, Torah to be read, and very importantly Kaddish to be recited. Please come and join us, as you are able, for our sakes, and hopefully for yours.
Yom HaShoah was observed this past Sunday with a very moving ceremony that also involved our beloved Arlette Baker. Yom HaShoah will also be observed this week at the Legislature. I will be there along with a number of other local Jewish representatives.
Even as Arlette spoke on Sunday, most of the memories we will hear in the future will be from second, third and now even fourth generations removed from survivors. We are, as Arlette put it so movingly, in each other’s DNA; we hold each other’s stories in our own. Even Torah embeds itself in our DNA, whether we come to our Judaism by birth or choice. What we learn becomes us; what we do becomes us. We are one.
Kol tuv,Rabbi Lynn
April 24, 2023 by Rabbi Lynn Greenhough • From the Rabbi's Desk Tags: Acharei-Kedoshim, pirke avot, Rabbi Hillel •
Spring is truly with us, even as many days feel wetter and greyer than we might like! That said our garden is full of colour – purple magnolia, tulips, daffs, bluebells, clematis – all bursting throughout our yard, each blossom a blessing. Our yard is full of food too – a window box is full of Miner’s lettuce waiting for that first springtime salad – karpas of sorts. As I write this, the world is observing Earth Day, a universal Yom Kippur, both a day of atonement, a day of at–one–ment (thank you, Reb Louis), and a day of renewal and new beginnings.More