Blog Layouts
Dear friends, Last Friday night we gathered to celebrate Shabbat at Gyro Park – but our plans were somewhat derailed by the generosity of nature – a mist became a shpritz became a sprinkle… A few hardy souls turned out – 27 I think in total, and we had a lovely opportunity to schmooze for […]
August has arrived –blackberries, blueberries and figs are abundant right now; preserving and jam-making is one of August’s tasks for many of us. We want to preserve the abundance of the moment, uncertain of our own supply chain, in light of the Covid pandemic which is still informing our decisions about how and where we […]
Dear friends, Monday, Monday – somehow my mind is wandering back to songs of the ‘70’s! Again, mazal tov to Willem Hanevelt, Tyler, Katrina Greenfield and Jay Hanevelt from all of us at Kolot Mayim. What a wonderful simcha we witnessed on Shabbat morning this past week. I heard from several of you about how […]
Dear friends, This week (Sunday through Wednesday), I am attending a conference for those of us involved with the Chevra Kadisha (Jewish Burial Societies) and Jewish funerals. The conference is held every year by an organization called Kavod V’Nichum. Nineteen years ago I was in a kitchen in Columbia, Maryland with the executive director of […]
Naso and Equality
Dear friends, The sun is trying. Garden party season is virtually upon us – we live in hope. The blossoms went to my head last week– this week is Parashat Naso!! I don’t comment on world events very often – we have multiple sources of information available to us these days, with whatever built-in biases they […]
This week in Torah we read the book of Naso – which has one of our most significant blessings: Many Jews recite this blessing over the heads of their children on Friday nights before reciting Kiddush. It is a special moment in the family when parents come up to their children and acknowledge the circle […]
Dear friends, Shavua tov, a good week to all of you. This week we are in yet another double portion: the books of Behar – the shortest parashah in Torah and Bechukotai.
August 16, 2020 by Rabbi Lynn Greenhough • From the Rabbi's Desk
Moving towards Elul – Friday evening we are brought into Elul. Shoftim refers to our judges. What are the qualities that we look for in our judges? Judges must not have their judgment perverted by bribery because “a bribe will blind the eyes of the wise and make just words crooked.” And then we read, […]