Acharei Mot

I hope everyone had meaningful and joyous Sedarim – we all enjoyed our Seder here at the JCC. Many thanks again to everyone who helped. My kitchen will be back to usual on Wednesday – I always miss the bright green tablecloth that says Pesach to me every year when I unpack it from its box.

This year putting boxes in the attic was a little easier for two reasons. I had some help from a younger member, and we were also able to pass on several carpets that we had inherited from a dear friend who died years ago. Pets have precluded their use in our home, and recently two dear and much younger friends bought a new home – and hence with acquired more space for some of our treasures~

Letting go and acquiring treasured paintings, furniture and dishes may seem materialistic – but those treasure are full of memories. How meaningful to pass on those memories and stories to the next generation. So too, our Torah is full of memories and stories, our Haggadah commanding us to tell our story to our children and children’s children. Our stories come in many shapes, many sizes. We make these stories our own Torah to add to those of our ancestors.

With love,
Rabbi Lynn