The very first words in this week’s parasha Vayigash, we read that Judah carefully approached Joseph. The tension has been building amongst the brothers – and is certainly building for Joseph. Eventually Joseph could no longer restrain his emotions and cried out with such a wail that all Egypt heard him! Imagine. In my experience, albeit limited to my days, that kind of wailing cry pours out of us when a loved one dies, or when we hear the news of such a death. It is an uncontrollable wail. Yet Joseph cried out in an emotional tsunami of recognition. Perhaps revealing his identity brought up all the vulnerabilities he had survived since his brothers sold him. Perhaps he was just overcome with an inability to restrain himself from finally revealing his identity to them.More
December 27, 2023 by Rabbi Lynn Greenhough • From the Rabbi's Desk Tags: 2024, tu b'shevat seder, vayechi •
This week we read the final parashah in Bereshit, Vayechi, (Jacob) lived…it was his time to die, and as is typical of Torah those references are housed in the language of life.
Before his death, Jacob calls his sons to appear before him, and in a practice that became the foundation of our system of ethical wills, he gives a blessing to each of them, a blessing that acknowledges with great honesty their character, for good and for bad.More