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Last week we read Vayakhel – whose title holds the framework for who we are as Jews, choosing to assemble as Jews – we build a kehal, a kehillah, a community. We don’t just assemble, we take care of each other; we provide comfort and we share joys. Eilu devarim, one of our opening prayers during […]
Everyone is welcome to join us for Torah learning on Wednesdays. It helps to have read the parashah, but you are certainly all welcome – come when you can, leave when you have to leave. We have a core group of regulars, but anyone who wants to join our lively discussions is welcome. I have […]
Ki Tissa
Parashat Ki Tissa is a doozy! It is long and it is packed. We have instructions about a census, further instructions about the Mishkan, we meet the chief artisan, Bezalel, renewed instructions about keeping Shabbat, Moses receives the Two Tablets from God, The Goden Calf, God’s anger, Moses pleading for the people, Moses descends from Sinai […]
Many members from Kolot Mayim joined with other Jews and Christian allies in a peaceful rally on the grounds of the Legislature. “A breath of fresh air,” many noted. It is important to remember that we do have allies in communities beyond our own, especially with rising degrees of hatred directed at our own Jewish […]
Parashat Terumah is a continuation of our discussion about place. Last week we talked in shul about the idea of God placing the ‘mishpatim’, the laws in front of us, and then connecting that place with a sense of where we are. “Where are you?” could be the question we share with each other, asking […]
You may have noticed that Aaron and I will be sponsoring our oneg this coming Friday evening. Mishpatim is a very special parashah for us both, but particularly for me, as it is my conversion parashah. Interestingly, Mishpatim is also the first parashah where we learn many of the ‘civil’ mitzvot after standing at Sinai. […]
Yitro is that reading that reminds us all that not only are we not alone, but that we should never think we can do it all by ourselves. Yitro is the father-in-law of Moses. He watches a long line of people approaching Moses day after day, hour after hour with their problems. And finally Yitro […]
This week we cross the sea! We read within the pages of our texts what might be an example of a very early concrete poem. The crossing is beautifully written in what comes to be called ‘brick’ fashion. Not only is the text written in this exquisitely […]
March 19, 2024 by Rabbi Lynn Greenhough • From the Rabbi's Desk
The first day of Spring is approaching this week. However, in our Jewish calendar we don’t switch from the winter prayer inclusion in the Amidah to the summer inclusion, until the first day of Pesach. There are all manner of inclusions and exclusions found in the fine print in our siddurim. As in life it […]