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This week we come close to completing our reading of Vayikra, the Book of Leviticus. Because we are in a leap year we read Behar separately from B’chukotai, where we read sequences of blessings and curses. Such is life in many ways. Separately and together. I had the privilege this week to sit bedside with […]
Summer has arrived! Peonies, magnolia, azaleas -all in glorious full colour, even as the bluebells have faded. Such is life. What a blessing it is to live where there are so many gardens, hummingbirds, eagles soaring – life winging all around us. Many of you will have seen or attempted to see the glory of […]
A very brief note this morning as I prepare for a few very full days. The Yom ha Shoah commemorations on Sunday and Monday mornings and the Rally for Israel Sunday afternoon, offer us all serious opportunities to reflect on our place as Jews in Victoria and throughout the world historically and in these present […]
Acharei Mot
I hope everyone had meaningful and joyous Sedarim – we all enjoyed our Seder here at the JCC. Many thanks again to everyone who helped. My kitchen will be back to usual on Wednesday – I always miss the bright green tablecloth that says Pesach to me every year when I unpack it from its […]
I am writing this on the day of our Seder, anticipating gathering with so many this evening. We are full to overflowing, and I know we will have a very freilich, joyous, and meaningful evening together. Thank you to the many volunteers who helped with setting up (and cleaning up), with bringing tasty charoset for […]
We had a very casual Friday night last week. Rabbi Lynn and Aaron Devor purchased and have donated a beautiful hand written Megillat Esther to Kolot Mayim. We unrolled much of it and then entered into a lively discussion about all things scribal. May this Megillah be read for years to come. Then we had […]
As Pesach approaches one of the more than 4 questions we must wrestle with is how are we cleaning our inner chometz (otherwise known as shmutz) as well as cleaning the chometz from our homes? Washing down baseboards, and vacuuming out the stove drawer provides ample opportunity to think about what I have left undone, […]
Today I read a notice announcing Pesach and Seder was three weeks away. How can this be, I thought, there is so much to do to get ready!! As always, we find ourselves catching up with our calendar, our Jewish calendars and our secular calendars sometimes colliding with differing demands. I started to rearrange and […]
I have had the honour of officiating at a number of funerals in these past weeks. In town, up-Island, on Salt Spring Island, the need has been unusual in number. But the emotional need is always present. I am always so grateful for our tradition that consistently provides a bulwark of support through ritual and presence to […]
May 28, 2024 by Rabbi Lynn Greenhough • From the Rabbi's Desk
This coming Shabbat is the first of June, and our Torah reading, Bechukotai, seems to reflect the optimism I feel when I say the word June. We read in the opening of this parashah a section of blessings that hold deep reassurance for us, particularly in what may feel like such perilous times. We spoke at services […]